
888Caption – Is a helping 3rd party program program that allows the player to automate a large number of routine actions. The choice of betsizing, the arrangement of tables on your monitor, the appointment of hot keys are just a fraction of the useful tools of the program. This poker software will save you valuable time for making key decisions in each hand.
If you are a player looking to maximize the quality of your Game Play when participating in online poker then this solution is right for you! If you have any questions before purchasing please don’t hesitate to reach out to VGN Live Support and someone from our team will help you with whatever problem you are having.
888caption MAIN FEATURES:
1.) Betscript
- Set the values of preflops raises no matter what position. Depends on the number of limpers in the cash games. The value of the bet is entered into the “BETBOX” When it’s the players turn.
- Allows to open raise in tournaments. This depends on the level of blinds and/or actions of opponents.
- Allows you to raise/bet postflop. This depends on the amount in the pot and the size of the opponent’s bet.
- 3bet size in position/without depending on the size of the preflop raise of the opponent;
- 4bet size in position/without;
- hotkeys can be set up for bets in% of pot and/or in big blinds;
- you can make any number of on-screen buttons for betting in bb (preflop) or in% of pot (postflop).
2.) Hotkeys:
- intellectual check/fold – the necessary button is pressed depending on whether or not the move is reached to you or which of the options is possible now;
- call, bet/raise, Sit out next bb, Sit me out, Sit out next bb at all tables, Fold to any bet, quick note setting, table closing, etc.
3.) Mouse Wheel:
- can be set to change betsize to 0.5bb or any other value, you can change the direction of the wheel rate change, after the flop you can change betsize in % of the pot.
4.) Customizable HUD:
- Allows you to display a variety of different information – limit, blinds, the number of tables where you must act, the total number of tables, pot odds, SPR,size of the pot and the stack on the next street (considering current size of the pot), the value in the betbox in % of the pot, the number of players in the hand, tournament stats – the average stack, total number of players in the tournament,tournament position, number of ITM places;positions of heroes and opponents, players country.
5.) Room Lobby Settings:
- Removes ads in the lobby;
- Lobby stays in focus when opening tables;
- You can cut off part of the lobby to save space on monitor.
6.) Various Options:
- Auto “I’am back” (separately for cash-games and tournaments), table under mouse brings to foreground, auto timebank, auto-disable “Post JP”, display stacks/ bets/pots in big blinds (separately for cash games and tournaments), also betbox in bb, quick tips when hover the mouse on opponent (country, stack and notes), cutting table elements to save space on the monitor – header, frame, and more.
7.) Automatic Processing:
- Automatic Processing of multiple dialog boxes, both group and individual for different types of windows. Avtobayin, avrebay for CCC / MCC (bought to the desired amount when the stack falls below the specified value), auto press the Join table: Yes / No buttons depending on the number of open tables.
8.) Frame Around:
- Frame Around The table under the mouse cursor, around the table where you must act, as well as on a variety of other criteria.
9.) Automatic Table Manager:
- Automatic table manager with slots and the ability to customize the tables grid in any configuration.
10.) Editing Fonts & Colors:
- Editing Fonts & Colors of nicks, stacks, buttons, pot and other texts/numbers on the table.
11.) Hand2Note Integration
All numeric information in the 888caption HUD can be automatically colored depending on their value, the colors of positions and position names are also customizable for any table size.
After purchasing 888caption through us an email will be sent out to you containing an Order Summary & License information. Please keep in mind that VGN has 24/7 Live Support available to all of our customers. We are here to make sure that you are happy with your product and want to make sure that your experience is one that is effective and memorable. As always thank you for shopping with us and See you on the felt!
888Caption is free at limits up to NL10 and in tournaments with a buy-in of up to $3, included. You can try 888Caption for free at any limit and tournament for 30 days of the trial period. To activate the 888Caption Trial Period, follow these steps:
- Download By Clicking Here!;
- Launch Your Poker Client;
- Under “PartyCaption” Select License;
- Next Hit Start Trial (this button will not appear until you log in to the poker room client, point 1 in the screenshot below);
- 888poker
- TowerTorneos
- (USA, New-Jersey)
- (USA, Nevada)
- SnapCallPoker (Taiwan)
All Licenses are available for one year after purchase.